
money from time to time

I remember the first time I gave Thing 1 some shrimp to try.  He was probably around 6 years old.  He asked to try it (he actually likes to try new foods!).  I was rather disappointed when he liked it, because then I had to share!  :-) Thing 2 has always liked shrimp as well, even though he is harder to please when it comes to food, especially meat and seafood.  Shrimp is a bit on the expensive side, so we don’t have it more than a few times a month, but it is so good for you that it is worth the extra money from time to time Dream beauty pro.

I also love this dish because all the prep is in one skillet and it is a meal all by itself!  I sometimes serve it with a side salad if I happen to have greens and salad fixings on hand.  But, even without a salad, this dish is filling and delicious, and it satisfies even my hungry teenage boy!  It is flavorful without being overpowering, and the red pepper, mushrooms, and sweet peas add extra texture and nutrition.  I also use whole wheat couscous when I can find it so that we get the benefit of a little additional fiber as well Electronic Bidet!

We usually have a decent amount left over, and it is still wonderful the next day for lunch.  If you need to feed a crowd, you could multiply this recipe by 1.5 or 2 and you would have plenty!  Or even just use extra chicken broth and couscous to increase the volume of food.  Just make sure you have a super-large skillet so that it will all fit PSVANE.

